Select clients and collaborators


A. Pappahohn Company
Agnew Rincon Architects
Apollo Realty
Arrowstreet Architects
Aurora Contractors
Blumenfeld  Development Group
Brennan Beer Gorman
Bruner/Cott Architects
Cannon Design
Capstone Development
Cetra Ruddy
CGS Developers
Chatham Builders
CM & Associates
Colony Capital
Consigli Construction
Dattner Architects
Delle Valle Bernheimer
Elkus Manfredi Architects
E.W. Howell
Erdy McHenry Architecture
Goshow Architects

Grimshaw Architects
H. Thomas O'Hara
Handel Architects
HKS Architects
Hunt Construction
Hunter Roberts
J. Kokolakis Construction Inc.
Joseph Jingoli & Sons, Inc.
Kondylis Architecture
Lend Lease
Levine Builders
Marvel Architects
Morse Diesel
Neil M. Denari Architects
Pavarini Construction
Perkins Eastman Architects
Polshek Partnership
Richard Meier & Partners
Rode Architects
Rogers Partners
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

SHoP Architects
SLCE Architects
Stephen B. Jacobs Group
Suffolk Construction
T.G. Nickel
TEN Arquitectos
Tishman Aecom Construction
Tishman Speyer
The Dermot Group
The J Companies
The Mills Group
The Muss Group
Turner Construction
Two Trees Builders
Walsh Brothers
WDG Architecture
Whiting Turner
ZDG Inc.